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Original price was: ₹250.00.Current price is: ₹230.00.

How to Use:

  • Apply a dime-sized amount of conditioner on shampooed hair.
  • Run this through the ends of your hair, trying to apply it to every strand that you’re able.
  • Let it rest for at least 5 minutes. Rinse off with cold or lukewarm water.
  • Rinse until the water running is clear and your hair does not feel slimy.
Categories: , Product ID: 21478


Raaga Professional Pro Botanix Anti-Hairfall Conditioner with rosemary oil, which is known to stimulate hair bulbs for renewed activity, helps controlling hair fall due to hair breakage. It stimulates and rejuvenates hair follicles by increasing blood circulation thus controlling hair fall and promoting new hair growth. Made with exquisite choice of botanical extracts to give you beautiful looking hair, this conditioner gently works on every hair strand in order to improve its texture and elasticity. It strengthens hair, prevents hair fall and nourishes dry, brittle hair prone to breakage. The anti-hairfall properties stimulates hair follicle growth, helping control hair fall. Restores hair fullness by making it look dense, strong and luscious.


  • Anti-hairfall conditioner with rosemary oil and botanical extracts for healthy, smooth and manageable hair
  • Rosemary oil is packed with anti- inflammatory, anti- bacterial, analgesic properties
  • Prevents hair breakage, controls frizz, helps for easy detangling, improves hair texture
  • Strengthens follicles, promotes new healthy hair growth, makes hair less prone to brittleness
  • Makes hair less frizzy and more smooth and manageable with a regular use
  • Works efficiently when used with Raaga Pro Botanix Anti-Hairfall Shampoo